We’re thinking that today might be an ‘add to my cart’ kind of day and we couldn’t help but share our 10 latest African-made finds!

Funky feet 

These tailored kicks are custom made, high-top or low-top sneakers which, can we just say, double as pieces of art. Ok, they’re somewhat pricey, but how about clubbing together with others to give as an unusual and unique gift? They’re made by René Gonera, who uses African inspired fabrics full of colour and pattern

How much? R1300
Where? Visit René’s Facebook page TailoredKicksSA or find the takkies at Localé coffee shop, 4 Mark Road, Claremont, Cape Town

Cable bag

Scatterbrains, this one’s for you! Keep all your cables, chargers, earphones and USBs in this nifty, handmade cable bag (here’s hoping the bag itself doesn’t go missing, eh?)

How much? R190
Where? Grab them online at

Info prints

Savour the age of the infographic with these light-hearted prints showcasing topics from coffee and bicycles to South African slang

How much? R150 for an unframed A4 print
Where? Get these and more designs from knowyourstuff

Bottle holder

There was no way we were putting this list together without including a bottle holder known as a ‘whino’ (even when it’s propping up a non-alcoholic bottle). Plus, all of Native Decor’s products are South African inspired and made from sustainable timber

How much? R389
Where? Follow the link to Native Decor’s site for the whino and other fun stuff

Glass straws

Did you know that plastic straws take about 200 years to decompose and end up in our oceans where they’re killing the world’s marine life? Goodness, just these facts alone have us boycotting the lot and getting our hands on these Suck It Straws. Made of specialised borosilicate (!!) glass that withstands extreme heat, you can even pop these babies into the dishwasher or microwave to use them over and over again. Think it’s a schlep? Keep one or two in your car or bag so you never forget them when eating out.

Suck It Straws aren’t made in Africa, but the pouches are made in Cape Town and sold by marine biology student Jenny Dove, who claims a drink tastes fresher through a glass straw. Why not buy one for yourself or a friend and see if you agree?

How much? R70 buys you a glass straw, funky shweshwe pouch and a cleaning brush. Discounts for bulk orders.
Where? Order online at, email or message her on +27 (0)79 480 9252

Upcycled plant pots

They’re fun, they’re practical and they’re sustainable. What more could you want from a gift or a me-purchase? These planters are made from old advertising billboards and come in a huge range of colours, sizes and designs. Bags and other items are also on offer and custom-making is an option, too. Another plus: Growbag donates planters to underprivileged Cape Town communities

How much? Depends on the size – this one is R125
Where? +27 (0)82 575 7050 or

Reusable shopping bags

What’s more satisfying than shopping for groceries? Ok, there’s a very long list! But saving the planet while you do it makes it a little more bearable. Karoline crafts these delightful shweshwe pouches containing FIVE reusable mesh bags for your fresh produce. The pouch clips to your handbag for easy access: perfect for your journey towards a zero-waste lifestyle.

How much? R190
Where? Contact Karoline on +27 83 745 3060 or

Leather pumps

Classic but contemporary, these genuine leather uppers feature currently oh-so-desirable rose gold buckles and straps, and sport breathable lining for summer days

How much? R650
Where? Shop online at

Cotton sweatshirt

Remember video games? This sweatshirt references the games outside the local corner store that required ‘2 bop’, (the South African version of 2 ‘bob’ or shillings) to play. Yeah… it’s a boy thing!

How much? R650
Where? Get it online or visit their stockists in Woodstock and Gardens

Wooden postcards

Yvonne Robinson captures nostalgia on wooden postcards, ready for you to share views with your loved ones all over the world which they can then keep to add a little South African beauty to their homes

How much? R145
Where? Online from, or visit the Woody Card website to see which stores in Cape Town stock them

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