Why did self-designated couch potato Leatitia start to run in a small circle in her front yard during lockdown? And how has it helped her overcome the anxiety that was blighting her life?
sporty moment
Olympic medallist Bianca on pro surfing, her parents, how she got through dark times and how she’s trying right now to bridge the poverty gap
How does Olympic swimmer Tatjana Schoenmaker cope with competition pressure, and what gives her energy for her week?
Why does this Capetonian love swimming, and what pulled him out of an emotional low during his high-tempo training?
Now here’s a girl who’s learnt to ride waves of all kinds in life
What stopped Prof Charles Parry from running the ultramarathon he so diligently trained for?
He thought his life was over, but Blitzbok Seabelo Senatla managed to find peace and happiness. And of course he talks rugby sevens too!
Why did Olympic cyclist Jo have to be lured into the saddle?