How did the kindness of a mom from Elsie’s River set off a chain reaction that gave her son a lifeline when he needed it most?
How did the kindness of a mom from Elsie’s River set off a chain reaction that gave her son a lifeline when she fell upon hard times?
How did Sis Doekies, a South African farm girl who began smoking marijuana at the age of nine, joined a gang and became a teenage mom, overcome her tumultuous past to establish a life-changing soup kitchen from her home that now feeds thousands of hungry people each month?
How did a South African farm girl who started smoking marijuana at nine and was a teenage mom overcome her past to set up a soup kitchen from her home that feeds thousands?
She was a single mom about to lose her income from ironing people’s clothes. How did Lizania learn to keep trusting in a world of wrinkles?
Why has a British guy called Pete Portal been living for over 10 years in Manenberg, a part of Cape Town that many South Africans prefer to avoid? And what has it taught him?
Trauma led her to a heartbreak decision and an eating disorder. But she’s now calling on those very experiences to empower the moms, babies and senior citizens of Westlake, a challenged Cape Town community. Meet Louette!
Wendy grew up in a dysfunctional family and left school without passing matric. But she’s now doing a PhD! What can we learn from her about overcoming life’s stumbling blocks?
Dr Michelle Meiring works at the coalface with terminally ill children and their families, yet finds light and beauty in the darkness. How?